FBI Virus Removal Help

2013-06-15 419

How to Remove FBI Virus Warning notice? Manual Removal Guide: http://guides.yoosecurity.com/how-remove-fbi-moneypak-virus-malware-that-blocked-pc-asks-for-payment-100-dollars/ or http://guides.yoosecurity.com/remove-fbi-virus-locked-computer-scam/ $400 FBI scam locks computer, how to unlock? I have another PC that has had a green dot money pak virus pop up on it, saying i was looking at child porn. I have a white screen on my laptop with just a box that says ok and when you click ok it sais you have 72 ours to pay your fine, please help! My computer is locked saying pay $200 fine to fbi via moneypak.laptop is showing fbi investigation requesting moneypak. 300 dollar fine for music download
how do i get a fake fbi pop up
came up on the screen saying send 300 dollars
how does your computer get locked by recent porn site virus
my computer is locked and says inhave 48 hours to pay a fine
You can remove FBI Virus by folllowing the video guide in Windows XP, Windows Vista, Windows 7 or Windows 8.

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