I realize it's a little unfair with 1st one to send wins but it's really hard to find all 7 ones so I think it works out! :D Good luck!
-Prizes (for now)-
1st -- 2100 Microsoft Points/the same amount of money if you have a PS3 or PC xD :D
Also if you have an xbox and cod4 you can be in the next open lobby from the start :D + shoutout
2nd -- You can be in the whole next open lobby + shoutout
3rd -- You can be in the whole next open lobby + shoutout
Yes I realize that 2nd and 3rd might not have an xbox and in that case you don't get anything, sorry, just thought that I should include a prize for 2nd and 3rd but couldn't think of anything else. Again, if anyone has a better idea for a prize then go ahead and post a comment. Suggestions?
This is just something I included for fun, if you're watching it a day late and think you can't win, you never know, it's hard to find all of these and if you don't win at least it's fun trying to find them :P
If you send me 6 frogs it doesn't count xD You gotta send me the locations of all 7 frogs with the time of the video too :] Please don't post comments about the ones you've found so others see it, I don't see the logic in that :P
So yeah, 7 frogs, go find all of them! :D http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=V4GZ9dLM4Bg
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