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How To Make A "Pepsi Can" DIY Alcohol Backpacking Stove

2013-06-07 2

From: - Living Off The Grid In A DIY Truck Camper

Since I first learned about backpackers making lightweight cooking stoves out of aluminum cans, I was hooked. And probably like other "stovies" the one that really caught my attention was the "Pepsi Can Stove."

No doubt the appeal is that it's not only ridiculously cool to be able to fit together a couple of recycled cans that way, but because the end result is so compact, lightweight, and burns exactly like the burner on your home stovetop!

While not one of the simplest alcohol stoves to assemble -- that honor will go to simpler open-flame stoves and the Can Food Can side-burner style -- it's also not one of the most complicated.

In fact, this video could have been a lot shorter had I chosen the popular and dependable "crimping" method to fit the two halves together. But I was interested to try a few methods I'd seen in videos that allowed you to very elegantly fit the two sides together perfectly, one inside the other, without any glue/epoxy and avoiding the slightly tedious task of crimping one half neatly all the way around the sides so that it could fit into the other half. In the end, I eventually succeeded, but it took some experimenting with different methods to make it work.

Conceptually, it's pretty easy to make and use a "Pop Can Stove." [...]

For the full tutorial visit:

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Other Keywords: Fancy Feast, Homemade, Ultralight, Outdoor, Methanol