FIFA 13 Ultimate Team Ruin a Randomer - Episode 39 - "The Ultimate Team"

2013-06-06 33

Let's talk briefly about schools. I mentioned this once in a video months and months ago, but I had maybe 25-30k subs at the time, so a lot of you wont know about it.

When I was at school, I got taught Math, PE, History, Science, RE, Home Ec, Arts & Crafts, Geography, the normal shit you learn at school, and I 100% assure you, that 95% of the shit I learned, is irrelevant in my life, on a whole scale. I didn't care much for History at school, because they forced you to learn what the government thinks you should learn. For me, it was the Tudors, or WW1 / WW2. It's shit that I wouldn't be bothered to care about, to be honest. Nothing that I learned in the History class, has helped me in my adult life. Nothing. But in my adulthood, there have been many, MANY times I've googled something from years, decades, centuries past, to find a bit more information on it. Why wasn't I taught this at school? Why wasn't I taught things in life at school, that would actually help me in my adult life, for example, how to use a washing machine. How to compile and complete tax returns. How to read, and understand a contract. So many small things that they could teach you from an early stage, that would help people MASSIVELY later on in life. I think schools should ask you, he man, what the fuck are you interested in? And then try to help you reach those goals. Some people might suggest that your'e too young to know what you want to do, but that's not what I'm suggesting. "I want to be a football player" - Doesn't mean let's go and teach you how to be a professional football player, that means you're interested in sport. So why not teach you about the body, how and why it functions, what to do to get in that sort of shape, and how much mental strength it takes. This knowledge allows the child to pursue the idea of being a football player, but should that fail, and let's be real, it will most likely fail, you'll have a background in sports science, so you'll still be able to be involved in the area of life that you crave from a young age.

Put your thoughts on this in the comments section.

Thanks for watching.