FIFA 13 Ultimate Team - Episode 42 - EA Strikes AGAIN

2013-06-06 21

I'm the sort of person that gets heavily involved in something, then loses interest quite quickly. For example, I downloaded League of Legends, and played it for about 2 weeks straight, and I haven't played it since. I play MineCraft in stages. I'll play it for 8 hours a day for a few weeks, then I wont play it for a month. I watch YouTube videos, 10+ a day, then just stop.

When I was 12, I started playing CM / FM, and invested so many hours of my life in to that, and when I was 15, I started playing Civ. II. One of the best games I've ever played. Between the ages of 16 and 20, I was a Pro Evo guy, all the way. And between 20 and 24, I was a COD guy. 24 Onwars, I went between FIFA and COD like no bodies business. When I was 20, I started training. I would hit the gym 5 days a week for 4 months, then something better would come up, and I'l stop going for 2-3 months. Rinse and repeat, until the last year, where I have been just 1 time, due to YouTube consuming literally all of my time. Not that I mind, I love doing what I do.

My point is, however, that, Imagine I actually stuck with something. Where would I be now, what would I be doing. Would I be a YouTuber. Would I even play FIFA. It all poses interesting though. That's all.

Thanks for watching.