Smart Grid Week- Transition to a 21st Century Electricity Grid

2013-06-06 81

This week’s workplace news major headlines- From Smart Grid Week: Transition to a 21st Century Electricity Grid, New Regulatory Roadmap to Spur Geothermal Energy Development, Recent State Tax Reform Spurs BP’s $1B New Investment at Prudhoe Bay, BP Reset U S Fuel Business Sells Refinery and Other Assets for Approx. $2.4 Billion, Tesoro Corporation acquires BP's Southern California Refining and Marketing Business, Tesoro Resolves Clean Air Act Violations- Pays $1.1 Million penalty, Jim Case Carlton’s Training offer Solutions to Working with Someone You Hate, DOE to Invest $10 Million in Energy Efficient Lighting Products, Social Referral System Helps People Find Job, JP Morgan Chase Bank and ADP Cleared To Wind Up Abandon Pension Plans, OSHA Final Rule Broaden Exemption for Digger Derrick, First-Ever Bi-national Border Infrastructure Investment Plan –U S and Canada, SHOP Final Rule Allows Flexibility on Employer-Employee Coverage Options