Hussain (RA) Offered To Negotiate With Yazeed - Dr Tahir ul Qadri

2013-05-31 397

Dr. Qadri symbolically called the corrupt politicians ‘Yazeed’ coz those politicians had been following path of Yazeed. But later when they approached him and agreed on his terms, Dr. Qadri showed flexibility; trusted them & made agreement with them. His other option would have been to reject their offer and let people fight with them which could have ended up in a situation like Lal Masjid.
At the time of Sulah Hudaibia, even though Rasool Allah (PBUH) had reasonable power but even though Kuffar-e-Makkah were openly rejecting the Prophet-hood , but for the sake of peace and for other many hikmah, Rasool Allah (PBUH) entered into negotiations with the kuffar on apparent weak terms, instead of fighting with them, and returned back with all Sahaba without performing Umrah. Most of the Sahaba were ready to fight and were initially not happy on negotiation but Rasool Allah (PBUH) preferred negotiation instead of war, which history proved that it was the most wise decision of that time.