PS4 Games to Require Remote Play with PlayStation Vita - Nick's Gaming View Episode #188

2013-05-30 6,435

PS4 games to require Remote Play with PlayStation Vita, GameStop reveals interesting information regarding Grand Theft Auto V, and Naughty Dog comments on DLC for The Last of Us, THIS IS NICK’S GAMING VIEW!

Hello everyone and welcome to Nick’s Gaming View, you are here with your host, Nick McCandless. With the PlayStation Vita experiencing a far from successful lifespan thus far, Sony has much to achieve to encourage consumers to invest within the portable platform. While Sony spoke briefly on Remote Play support with the PlayStation 4 back during the PlayStation 4 unveiling, Sony has confirmed that every title to hit PlayStation 4 will require Remote Play support with only games requiring the use of the new PlayStation Eye camera being exempt. It’s certainly exciting to hear such news from Sony themselves and I believe if executed and marketed correctly, the Vita could earn its way up the sales charts and also provide PlayStation 4 with a valuable advantage over its competitor, the Xbox One.

Releasing on the current generation of video game consoles, Grand Theft Auto V has uncovered interesting information thanks to a tweet from the official GameStop UK account. Revealing Grand Theft Auto V will create furious storms, rough ocean waves and rain forming puddles in mud, my interest in Grand Theft Auto V has been towering since the day it was announced, but knowing this additional information has me even more curious to see what Rockstar Games has up their sleeves that they have yet to announce.

Wrapping up Nick’s Gaming View, Eric Monacelli, Community Strategist for Naughty Dog, has spoken out on the DLC announced for The Last of Us confirming, “it’s not cut content. It’s new content we are working on post launch.” While I wouldn’t expect otherwise from the amazing team over at Naughty Dog, it’s comforting to hear such confirmation letting us know that the single-player experience will not be cut to save room for additional revenue through DLC.

Well that concludes today’s episode of Nick’s Gaming View but be sure to follow me on Twitter @NickMcCandless and check back daily for Nick’s Gaming View for your daily access pass to all things gaming.

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