Overtime threatens families and happiness

2013-05-30 8

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On this week's episode of Countermeasures, host Rebecca Costa notes that overtime and productivity are not intrinsically linked, and that other quality of life factors like children, spouses, and friends are more essential to human happiness. According to the U.S Department of Labor, working parents spend on average a mere 47 minutes a day with children between the ages of 6 and 16. While American workers are the most productive in the world, perhaps it's time to step back and focus our efforts on making our personal lives more fulfilling.
Rebecca Costa is a sociobiologist who offers a genetic explanation for current events, emerging trends and individual behavior. A thought-leader and provocative new voice in the mold of Thomas Friedman, Malcolm Gladwell and Jared Diamond, Costa examines "the big picture"-- tracing everything from terrorism, crime on Wall Street, epidemic obesity and upheaval in the Middle East to evolutionary forces.

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