British Man With 'Walking Corpse Syndrome' Shares His Experience

2013-05-30 665

A British man believed he was no longer alive.

A man who goes by the name Graham woke up 9 years ago, believing that he had died.

The condition surfaced after Graham, who had been suffering from depression, tried to commit suicide.

He told doctors that his brain was either dead or missing, and based on his brain scans his self-diagnosis wasn’t far off.

His physicians compared his brain activity to someone who was in a vegetative state or under anesthesia.

Graham had lost interest in just about everything including eating and speaking.

The only thing he had the desire to do was go to the graveyard, because he felt he would fit in there.

He was eventually diagnosed with Cotard’s Syndrome, and has experienced some improvement since starting a regimen of therapy and drugs.

Cotard’s Syndrome – or Walking Corpse Syndrome - is an extremely rare affliction and there is no known cure.

It’s believed it stems from a combined lack of ability to recognize faces and locate emotions.

This leads a person to disconnect from reality and believe that they are dead, non-existent, or decomposing.