Two Cars Crash After Elk Gives Birth on the Street

2013-05-30 3,072

Two cars crash after an elk gives birth in the road.

When driving, you might except to see a wild animal cross the road.

Well, in a bizarre event, two vehicles collided on a road in Western Sweden after an elk gave birth in the middle of the street. Thankfully, neither of the drivers were injured, but both cars were damaged. As soon as the new calf made it out into the world, the mother took off, leaving the baby on its own.

Law enforcement authorities were called to the scene and officers began working to find the adult female elk. A little while later, the calf and mother were reunited in the woods.

A police spokesperson stated “There are in the woods now and everything got a happy ending.” Elks are related to deer, but they have much larger bodies. A male’s antlers can reach up to four feet, making the animal about 9 feet tall.

They can weigh anywhere between 325 and 1,000 pounds.

Have you ever seen an elk?