We meditate on the presence of God in the Eucharist and ask Mary to be close at the moment of our death and help us to receive him in Holy Viaticum.
Meditations read in front of the exposed Blessed Sacrament for our Daily Holy Hour at our Bloomington, Indiana friary from the two books: Real Presence by St Peter Julian Eymard and A Month with Mary by Fr. Dolindo Ruotolo
Ave Maria!
Day #29: Death
THE SOUL: I am full of life and it seems as if I will never have to die. Fantastic! I want earthly joys; however,without a doubt the day will also come for me when I will lie immobile and lifeless on my bed of pain and the scene of this world will forever disappear from me! A few days of illness will prepare my last day perhaps that day will also come upon me unexpectedly, maybe even violently I don't know. What I do know for certain is that this life will pass away and that I will find myself in the presence of God where I will give an account of everything, even of a vain or