Coreografo e ballerino Angelo Valentino Rito fa uno stage di Afro lAtin Jazz Fusion presso la scuola di New York in cui insegna; tutte le domeniche dalle 16,30 alle 18,30, inoltre si effettuano corsi intensivi di pachanga professionale nelle 5 domeniche di giugno dalle ore presso il Cumbe: Center for African Diaspora e Danza a 558 Fulton St. (a destra da Flatbush Avenue.), 2nd Floor, Brooklyn, NY 11217. Cumbe si trova nel BAM Cultural District.
english: Angelo Rito demonstrates a choreography taught in his class. Angelo teaches Afro-Latin Jazz Fusion every Sunday from 4:30-6:00pm, and is teaching a Pachanga Intensive Workshop on all 5 Sundays in June from 3:00-4:30pm at Cumbe: Center for African and Diaspora Dance at 558 Fulton St. (right by Flatbush Ave.), 2nd Floor, Brooklyn, NY 11217. Cumbe is located in the BAM Cultural District, near almost every subway line. For more information.