Police arrest dozens at gay rallies

2013-05-25 145

Clashes in Moscow during a gay rights rally.

Police detained dozens of gay rights activists Saturday, dragging and carrying them to waiting vans.

The demonstrators held the rally outside the State Duma despite Moscow's ban on the event.

Anti-gay protesters also took to the streets, many holding religious icons.

As support for same-sex marriage increases in the West, homosexuals in Russia face rising violence and government restrictions on their freedoms.

Similar scenes at a rally in Ukraine - but here, police cart away a dozen anti-gay protesters who tried to break up the demonstration.

Hundreds of police were brought in to secure the march by around 50 gay rights activists in Kiev.

A court on Thursday banned what would have been the country's first gay pride event after officials raised security concerns.

As in other former Soviet states, most Ukrainians have little acceptance for homosexuality or gay rights.