How Coachable Are You - Lets find out…

2013-05-23 14

How Coachable Are You? Let's find out…

Have you ever heard of Michael Jordan not following the instructions of his coach whether he's playing baseball or basketball or how about the current NBA superstar Lebron James these are very successful athletes on a team... & they're being coached.

If they weren't coachable and able to follow what their coach told them there would be no playtime & no money… Isn't that normally what end up happen to people who aren't coachable

what does being coachable mean you're an individual with an open mind who willingly accepts input, and actively processes it. That may sound mundane but not everyone listens to the advice of others, and some lack the ability to utilize it. It's a great compliment because it means you have the ability to grow as a person (another ability which is not shared by everyone).

How to become coachable, coaches want to feel players care about what they say. It is an insult to ignore them. During practice, during timeouts, in the post-game, etc., a coachable player will give his coach his undivided attention and then do what he has been told to do. If a player doesn't learn to listen, then he will have to learn to like a seat on the bench.

One way to become more coachable is to Pick the brains of coaches. Let them go into more details for the fixes or recommendations they made for you. This is a chance to go into more detail and get the “why” of the actionable cues you got and work on those weaknesses that challenge you.