Wings of Liberty Plot Analysis: Rebellion missions

2013-05-21 37

In this series of reviews I will be examining the plot of the various groups of missions in Starcraft 2: Wings of Liberty to highlight retcons, poor plots, and illogical decisions. Where relevant I will compare SC2 to SC1.

I have the following problems with the rebellion missions:
1) Why does Raynor launch an anti-Mengsk rebellion after siding with Valarian and agreeing to go to Char?
2) Why does Valarian agree to go to Char with Raynor after Raynor launch a rebellion against his father?
3) Why didn't the Dominion destroy the adjutant?
4) Why does Tychus help Raynor rebel against Mengsk when he's working for Mengsk and is wearing a suit that can kill him at any time?
5) Why doesn't Tychus tell Mengsk what Raynor is planning?
6) Why does anyone believe that Mengsk put Psi Emitters on Tarsonis when neither were mentioned by name?
7) Why isn't the Dominion more hostile to Raynor after he plays this message? You'd think Warfield would be more reluctant to work with Raynor after being humiliated on Korhal.

For more information about the problems with the plot of Wings of Liberty I recommend these threads:

I'd like to thank Andy Cormack for letting me use his SC1 clips.