LinkedIn Profile Leads to $750,000 Tax Fine

2013-05-21 37

The Swedish tax agency fines a man following a LinkedIn discovery.

Almost all of us have our personal information online these days.

A man in Sweden landed in some hot water after the country’s tax agency discovered some intriguing facts on the web.

Government authorities received an anonymous letter, alerting them that an unnamed male failed to report a portion of his income from a business located in the British Virgin Isles. The Swedish police financial crimes division checked out his professional networking page on the website LinkedIn.

There they learned that the man had been working at the company since 2004. The tax agency has now sent a formal letter to the man, demanding $750,000 for back taxes.

In another case of tax evasion, last year, 35-year-old, Andrew J. Watts was sentenced to 9 years in prison after he filed nearly 650 fraudulent tax returns by using the names and social security numbers of deceased people.

The IRS seized about $17 million in Watts' bank accounts. According to court documents, the scheme went on from 2007 to 2011.

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