Everyone gets angry once in a while if we are mistreated or feel we have been “wronged” and it is a normal and healthy emotion, you have to handle it appropriately. What we need to emphasized on is what we do with this anger. It is time to seek help when you feel like your anger is not doing any good with your day to day life such as work, relationship, ability to achieve your goal and many more. Anger management’s goal is to learn methods and new ways to control your anger. Many people who suffer from this condition come to seek help to deal with their problem but most of the time, fear, resentment, and unmet expectations that are the root causes for their anger. Trough counseling the problem is addressed and the anger soon dissipates. After, the client is able to be aware that they do not have to be controlled by their anger. One more thing is that they are not being the “victim” of others or society but rather they are responsible for their own actions and behaviors.
Some people just wouldn’t want to show their real self so they stick with the reputation of an angry person or sometimes it is their way to resent from other people from getting too close to them. This may result to people afraid of you or if not disrespectful of you. Communicating your needs and frustrations in an productive and respectful way people will tend to listen more just to learn about your needs and frustrations.
As stated earlier, anger is a normal emotion. The objective is to deal with the underlying issues and feelings indentified with anger. And the next goal is to learn healthy ways to deal with this emotion. Some may think that letting the anger out is healthy until they realize that the have secluded themselves from the people around them like relationships to partners, children, co-workers and etc. Added the fact that this can have a very negative impact on the way others see and treat you.
For some instances, this type of behavior might be modeled from past experiences from family members seen while growing up. You can do something to cut the cycle before your children might end up having the same problem and before you isolate yourself from others.
Is it uneasy for you to compromise and acknowledge you’re wrong at times?
Accepting that you are wrong and compromising can be hard at first but consider that you cannot for all time get your way by being the loudest and most demanding. It does nothing but pushes people away.
Are you afraid to let your guard down and allow people to truly see you for who you are?
Other people are saying that if you wanted to achieve anything you must be aggressive, tough and in control. Anger can have a repealing effect and sends you spiraling out of control.