Success By Not Resisting New Ideas

2009-06-14 8 0

This Week's Affirmation This week I move forward with an open mind, selective wisdom, clear intention and unwavering faith. No person, place or thing has the power to hold me back, discourage me or influence me in a negative manner. I accept God’s help in the form of new ideas, intuitive guidance and encouragement. I willingly put forth fearless effort toward my goals and I begin each day with actions that are essential to my soul, my mind and my body. Thank you, God, for this renewed sense of power, purpose and peace. And so it is! Rev. Phylis delivered the message at The Gathering. All are welcomed to attend The Gathering, Sundays 9:30 am & 11:15 am. Go to for more info. About Us The Soul-Esteem Center was founded in April, 1997 by Rev. Phylis Clay Sparks and her husband, Roger Sparks, The SEC is an independent and diverse spiritual community coming together to share the experience of God, to discover and develop spiritual confidence, and to learn the practical application of spiritual principles. We are focused on the oneness of all life, the healing power of Love, and the co-creative relation ship between God and the individual.