Prague Cosmopolitan

2011-11-16 18 0

Short music video for Prague high school competetion "Prague Cosmopolitan" on topic "Prague known and unknown". Actor: Mona Nayefová Director/Producer: Jan Syruček Director of Photography/Editor: Matěj Brothánek We shoot on Canon 60D with prime lenses - Sigma 30/1.4 and Helios 44m 58/2. As additional light we use a Sony external light, 2 bulbs, usually used for reports. In 8 hours we shoot almost 30 GB of material. Edit on Dell Latitude laptop using Adobe Premiere Pro CS5 and Photoshop CS5 to make some extra layer for transition. For color grading were used curves and sometimes color balance. We hope you enjoy it. © 2011 Jan Syruček & Matěj Brothánek